The Ultimate Cause

16 07 2012

This old blog of mine has been abandoned.  Well, not really.  I use it for my blogroll – to find the ones I love to read.  I know, I should just subscribe, but that’s not my way…  Virtually ALL of the blogs I read now are of adoptive families.  Why?  God has planted this passion in my heart.  We want to adopt! 

The other part of this passion burns for people with special needs.  Adults.  Children.  Orphans.  Oh, the orphans!!!  God help them! 

For now, I join a host of other bloggers to “yell and scream” for them.  I’ve provided a link to a powerful post from Julia at Micah Six Eight.  She is one of the loudest advocates I have come to know online.  I am honored to do what I can to further that voice.  

PLEASE, take the time to look into their eyes.  These are REAL KIDS.  Abandoned for real.  Discarded.  Shunned.  Oh my heavens, my heart is broken! 

Will you help me scream for these?

Click here for Julia’s post.

In my world, this is the ultimate cause.  God bless you for helping in any way you can.


2 06 2011

I know I’ve just asked for support in raising money for Kirk.  Sweet boy.  If you have contributed, THANK YOU.

I have an additional plea today.

These young brothers were given up at birth because of a genetic disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB).  EB causes blistering of the skin from even the slightest amount of friction. It can even cause blistering in the esophagus from the friction created by swallowing food.  Their skin is so very fragile that even the a touch can result in blistering and gaping wounds.  Some people with this condition spend most of their lives in bandages; they are at an extremely high risk of infection.  If left untreated, infections can lead to death.

(You should check out this amazing blog by a single momma of a sweet boy with EB.)

I don’t know how these sweethearts have survived so long in orphanage conditions!

But, there is a family on their way!  This family has a daughter with EB, so they KNOW how seriously the boys need care.  I am so thankful that God has led them…

The problem is that the older brother has been transferred to an facility for older children.  Yes, they have been separated!  My heart breaks for them!  Their family will have to pay DOUBLE the cost to pay the ransom for both boys, since they are in different facilities.  It seems so unfair.

But we can help.  Every gift, no matter how small, helps these wonderful parents get to their boys who so desperately need them.

Please click on the Chip-In to donate.  God sees.  May you be blessed.

New Button!

22 05 2011

In case anyone still reads this blog, and in case any of those people have noticed, I’ve been trying my hand at some advocating for orphans.  I think adoption is a WONDERFUL thing, and although I have not adopted (yet), what I feel led to do at this point in my life is to bring awareness of the orphan crisis to others and play a part in raising funds that increase the chances of them finding forever families.  (Long sentence, I know.)


If you look over to your right, you will see a button for “Kirk.”  If you haven’t already wandered over to Reece’s Rainbow in curiosity, you must.  I will leave it at that.  It is through RR that I am able to be Kirk’s Warrior.  I hope that you will consider even a small donation to his adoption grant!  PLEASE?  You simply cannot spend your dollars any more wisely!

Since I’m late in joining the game, I need your help to make up lost time for this boy.


The Body of Christ

22 04 2011

It moves.

It loves.

And it raises TONS OF MONEY!

Vanya’s adoption fund is over $16,000!!!


God.  You are SO good.

Great Big Giveaway!!!

8 04 2011

One of my favorite bloggers and an incredible advocate for orphans, Adeye Salem, is hosting a fundraiser for a little boy named Vanya.

There are over 100 prizes!

When you read his story, I know you will want to help out.  It’s really NOT about prizes (although they are nice) after all; it’s about God’s Love in us.

Click here to learn more and to donate.  Every single dollar helps!

Update on Julia

30 03 2011

For those of you who remember my posts about a dear orphan needing funds in the Ukraine…

The mother and father God sent to her are in her country RIGHT NOW!  They have also committed to adopting a little boy named Aaron in the same orphanage.  If you haven’t been following along on their blog, you’re missing out on quite a blessing!

Here’s the link.

You’re welcome.

Great Invention?

16 03 2011

PLASTIC.  Boy, did the world change when people started using it!  These days, we could hardly live without it.  But we are just beginning to find out what the consequences are.

My New Year’s Resolution, although vague, was to use less plastic.  When I think about how many ziplock baggies I use for the kids’ lunches, grocery bags we bring home, and recyclable bottles we throw away…  it makes me sick.

Articles like this one will testify to the damage we have done to the earth with plastic.  And it doesn’t take much research to find worse tales.

So, in January, I hosted a Tupperware party!  This was totally fun, AND I ended up with around $200 in FREE items from the catalog.  I got sandwich keepers, “midgets,” and other food-keeping items that helped me reduce the number of baggies I send off to school, plastic wrap I pull over leftovers, and freezer bags for dividing bulk items.  I also got cereal keepers, flour/sugar/etc canisters, and a much-needed Cake Taker!  All for FREE.

Another thing I have done is collect grocery bags (and my coworkers bring them to me, too) for crocheting these totes.

Anyway, this was not intended to be an advertisement for Tupperware.  Nor am I an fierce environmentalist who is trying to scold you for your plastic usage.  Well, sort of, I am – more encouraging than scolding.  I just think people can make a huge difference by committing to the “Reuse” part of the 3 R’s.  Remember those from elementary school?

It’s not that hard to set yourself up to easily and safely reuse as many things as you can.  When you see what we have created in the Pacific Ocean, it just seems to make sense!

I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch this entire video.  There are some pretty shocking pics.


9 03 2011

It doesn’t have to be the 4th Thursday of November to be thankful for our blessings!

Today, I thank God for…

a comfortable home

healthy kids

a husband who always tells me I’m “hot”

parents who live close by

friends who truly care

steady work

a car that runs

hand-me-down clothes (not just for my kids!)

a husband who always says that the meals I make are the best he’s ever had (yes, every night – haha!)

medicine and physical therapy

Wildtree food

winter rain (and even a little snow)

movies that make me cry

a husband who changes a LOT of diapers

a daughter who wants to take choir in HS next year

a son who shares my passion for science

another daughter who makes us  laugh until we are in tears

women in my life who have been (and continue to be) incredible examples: Linda C, Ruthann, Treacy, Connie, Carol, Catrina, Linda H, my mom, and the list goes on…

ministries that I support, truly making a difference:  Reece’s Rainbow, World Vision, Toms Shoes, Mocha Club, HEART, Handiwork for His Glory, Heartline for Haiti, and others

home parties and all the free stuff that comes along with them

a husband who helps me clean the house for said home parties

the excitement of NASCAR

the music of Mercy Me (which I get to hear live this Saturday)

gourmet veggie pizza from Papa Murphy’s


dark chocolate






Simply Amazing

22 02 2011

Just in case you have never clicked on it from my blogroll…

On Earth as it is in Heaven is a chronicle of one Jesus-loving woman living in Uganda.

She’s adopted more than a dozen girls!

She’s devoted her life to healing the sick, loving the unlovely, and sharing her Savior with everyone along the way.

I am totally in awe of what God has done with her willing life.


Depraved Indifference

6 12 2010

A good friend of mine recently opened my eyes and told me that I have a “holy discontent.”  I guess there is a book about it or something.  Maybe I need to pick it up.  All I can say is that God has transformed my heart in the past year and given me a burning passion for disabled orphans.  I want to adopt them.  I want to teach the people in their countries that they are valuable people who deserve a family.  I want to tell the whole world about this problem, in hopes that the Body of Christ will stand up and change it.  The Body is moving, but not in ways big enough.  Why?